Membership tiers

The GTM Consortium offers three distinct membership tiers, each tailored to varying levels of engagement and commitment.

Strategic Partners: Deeply involved in quarterly promotional activities, contributing to Consortium growth, and serving as dedicated evangelists for our mission.

Advocate: Designed for companies taking periodic leading roles in events, content creation, and promotions, demonstrating a strong commitment to advancing the Consortium's mission.

Supporter: Ideal for companies that use the frameworks in some way and want to show their support for the mission and its frameworks, but may not have the time or resources to actively participate and meet the requirements of the other partner tiers.

Requirements & Benefits

  Strategic Partner Advocate Supporter
Willing to participate in and/or promote the research and guidance produced by the Consortium.
Announce their participation via social media, press release, or badge on their website.
Actively use and publicly promote their own usage of the Bowtie framework (or variation thereof).  
VP-level or above identified champion of the mission.  
Co-host virtual events. 1-2 events per year 1-2 events per year No minimum
Host or contribute to cost of in-person events ($5K minimum annual contribution)    
VP-level or above champion must be a member of Pavilion  Required (grants access to Steering Committee channel in Pavilion) Not required Not required
Seat on Steering committee (meets quarterly)    
Requires approval for joining the Consortium.  Fulfill the above requirements, and approved by ⅔ of existing Strategic Partners Approved by at least ⅔ of the Strategic Partners Automatic approval (subject to Foundational Partners)
Early access to review and distribute the quarterly research.
Logo / co-branding on research and events (where applicable).
Providing recommendations on research topics based on insights they hear in the market from customers and portfolio companies.
Badge for social / website.
Eligibility for a Speaking slot in each quarterly State of the Union address (by invitation based on the topic and subject to the discretion of Foundational Partners).  
Eligible to co-host virtual events.  
Logo listed on Company name only


Become a contributing member

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